PHP Security Vulnerability Egrep Cheatsheet

The following are a serious of grep commands that are useful for finding vulnerable portions of code.

# this command searches all PHP files in a directory for vulnerable shell functions
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(system|exec|popen|pcntl_exec|proc_open)\(" .

# this command searches all PHP files in a directory for certain vulnerable php execution functions
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(eval|assert|preg_replace)\(" .

# this command returns instances where variables are echoed out without htmlspecialchars()
# it can be useful for finding XSS vulnerabilities in PHP code
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "echo\s*\\$.*;" .

# this command returns all instances of the back-tick (`) operator, which is used to execute arbitary shell commands in PHP
# many times this returns string literals
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "\`.*\`" .

# this command will return hard-coded database credentials / addresses
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(mysql_connect|mysqli)\(\s*(\"|\').+(\"|\')\,\s*(\"|\').+(\"|\')\,\s*(\"|\').+(\"|\')" .

# this command will return potential unsafe SQL query executions:
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "\->(query|exec)\(\s*\".*\".*\." .

# this command will return all PHP files in a directory for file system access
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(fopen|fread|fwrite|fclose)\(" .

# this command will return instances where crypto operations are performed
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "mcrypt_|openssl_|mhash_|random_|crack_" .

# this command will return instances of weak PRNG's
# look for hard coded seed values!
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(mt_srand|lcg_value|rand)\(\s*\d+" .

# this command will return instances where XXE might be possible
# look for 'true'
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "libxml_disable_entity_loader\(" .

# look for hard coded port values
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(\\$|\->)port\s*\=\s*\d+" .

# this command will look for hardcoded usernames and passwords
egrep -r --include "*.php" -e "(\\$|\->)?(\\[\")?(user|pass|username|password)(\"\\])?\s*=\s*\".*\"" .